Randy Rhine

I started woodworking as a creative outlet about 30 years ago, starting out with furniture making om a Shopsmith multi-purpose tool. Once I started playing around with the lathe, I was hooked. I have dabbled in other hobbies over the years, like stained glass and pottery, but always come back to woodturning. Over the years I have come to specialize in ornamental and segmented woodturning. Ornamental turning is the process of taking a plain turned object and using a specialized “ornamental turning lathe” to add decorative effects to the turning. Segmented turning is the process of using multiple pieces of wood, hundreds in many cases, to build a object. In segmented turning, most of the work is done off the lathe, with object only taking shape on the lathe in the final stages of the process. Lately, my work generally uses inlays rather than segments.